From App Idea to K8s


With Docker and k8s you can go from an idea to a production app in hours. Lets take a look how that works in practice. From writing our app to containerizing it to getting it to be available for the entire world to access. Will also look at some sane best practices along the way.


Developers want to build applications. So how do we get our app out there in the real world? How do we make sure our app runs everywhere like it runs on our local dev environment?

That’s where Docker came in, however, Docker was not enough to run our application at scale. Kubernetes ( helps us scale our application and gives us many other benefits. Nevertheless, all of these new tools comes with their own steep learning curve.

In this workshop we will take an app we want to build and will go through the entire lifecycle (in a smaller scale) from writing the app, to containerizing it, to getting it to docker, and out to the entire world. We will see each of the parts in detail so we can take the learning and apply it to any of our projects.